vocal effects training


Beginner to Pro

healthy, safe & fun

extREME VOCAL technique

Vocal Effects used to be thought of as something that is dangerous but these are all sounds that human beings can make when shouting, in anger, laughing, cheering, babies screaming. Primal sounds often accessed via human emotions such as rage, anger, upset, sadness, frustration

Using the solid teaching methodology we call ‘Extreme Vocal Technique’, we can help vocalists of all ages and styles to develop the right tools for effective singing.



Authorised Extreme Vocals Trainer

Hard Rock / metal vocalist – Jackie is a singer, performer and authorrised extreme vocal coach.

Jackie is the consultant for Vocal Effects,at the Modern vocal Training Institute, Beatbox Camp,  as well as being an Authorised CVT Teacher, Estill Level 1 & 2 and MVT Level 1 currently the only vocal coach in the world trained in all disciplines.

Jackie has been teaching Vocal Effects at the European Vocal Camp for the last 4 years and provides workshops for various educational institutes including BIMM  and provides private lessons for rock and metal artists as well as those looking to sing with high edge belt for long periods such as pop artists, clean vocalists and musical theatre performers

With a 5 Octave vocal range and a high edge to die for. Jackie can teach you how to Scream, Grnnt, Growl,Fry Scream (inni and outie!) and edge like crazy.

Recently a guest on the Subterranean Masquerade Album



Vocal effects Consultant

Metal Vocalis and performer, Vidi has toured with Deep Purple, The Orphaned Land and been a guest vocalist many albums. Currently the Frontman for Subterranean Masquerade, performer and songwriter with The Gunned Down Horses

Vid is our vocal Effects consultant for the more extreme metal vocal sounds like death growl, tuva, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of metal artists through the ages.




michael hill

Michael Hill is an experienced voice coach, singer and freelance broadcaster, with a particular interest in how voice research, psychology and pedagogy can be applied to help people express themselves freely and confidently.

Michael has prevoiusly been a senior lecturer at the Leeds Conservatoire, Tutor at BIMM and regualrly provides training for The Actors Centre for vocal confidence and technique.  As a fluent Gaelic speaker, Michael is also a regular radio presenter on BBC Alba.

He is trained in a number of evidence-based approaches, including Complete Vocal Technique (CVT), CoreSinging (Dr Meribeth Dayme) and Autogenic Therapy and continues to research and study techniques to assist performers.

Michael’s vocal coaching has embraced a wide range of different performers and styles – from teaching singing and accents to TV actors, coaching West End singers, helping lawyers with public speaking and even training international metalcore bands to grunt safely on tour!

He has given voice and vocal health masterclasses for a variety of respected institutions, such as The Musician’s Union, the World Voice Consortium and Clinical Excellence Networks of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. He continues to sing and perform on a variety of projects and recently filmed a series of ‘Story Time’ episodes for BBC Alba.



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